Sunday, January 1, 2012

Flannel Fly Fishing PJ Pants

I didn't have a pattern so I took a pair of my pj bottoms and tucked one leg inside of the other so I could get the basic shape.
I laid the fabric out (probably 4 yards) flat on the floor

Put the folded pjs on the folded edge of the fabric with the flat side lining up with the fold

Cut out (or trace first) around leaving at least 5/8" (in this case I was making them for my dad so to be safe I added about 2 1/2 inches) except for the waist and the cuffs, you'll need even more to be able to fold up and hem. Best to have too much that you can later cut off than not enough.
You'll need 2 legs.

Now fold a leg right sides together, sew up with a 5/8" seam allowance from the cuff to the crotch line. Do the same to the other leg.

Put one leg inside the other, right sides together. Pin the "u" crotch area and sew with the same seam allowance.

Flip so they are inside out. Iron and pin your desired cuff length and sew both legs.

Make a casing around the waist for elastic, leaving an opening. Thread the elastic through using a safety pin to make it easier. Sew the elastic at the desired waist size making sure to keep it flat. Sew up the hole.

Turn right sides out and a quick pair of pjs! Probably takes about 20 mins.

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